Academia Fran Cambridge English Language Exam Preperation Centre


1. Simple Present: (hablas)

affirmative interrogative negative
You speak. Do you speak? You don't speak

2. Present Continuous: (estás hablando)

affirmative interrogative negative
You are speaking. Are you speaking? You aren't speaking.

3. Past Continuous: (estabas hablando)

affirmative interrogative negative
You were speaking. Were you speaking? You weren´t speaking.

4. Simple Future: (hablarás)

affirmative interrogative negative
You will speak. Will you speak? You won't speak.

5. Going to Future: (vas a hablar)

affirmative interrogative negative
You are going to speak. Are you going to speak? You aren't going to speak.

6. Near Future: (hablamos luego)

affirmative interrogative negative
We are speaking later. Are we speaking later? We aren't speaking later.

7. Conditional: (hablarías)

affirmative interrogative negative
You would speak. Would you speak? You wouldn't speak.

8. Simple Past: (hablaste o hablabas)

affirmative interrogative negative
You spoke. Did you speak? You didn't speak.

9. Imperative: (hablas)

affirmative interrogative negative
Speak! Don't Speak!

10. Present Perfect: (has hablado)

affirmative interrogative negative
You have spoken. Have you spoken? You haven't spoken.

11. Past Perfect: (habías hablado)

affirmative interrogative negative
You had spoken. Had you spoken? You hadn't spoken.

12. Subjunctive: (quieres que él hable)

affirmative interrogative negative
You want him to speak. Do you want him to speak? You don't want him to speak.